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WYSIWYG Elements to Bolt Components

Ideal CKEditor Config

Bolt needs to create an example of CKEditor that can map to web components, and all the related Bolt components need to become web components.

  .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
    heading: {
      options: [
        { model: 'paragraph', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Paragraph' },
        { model: 'headline1', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline xxxlarge h1', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'xxxlarge', tag: 'h1' } },
        { model: 'headline2', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline xxlarge h2', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'xxlarge', tag: 'h2' } },
        { model: 'headline3', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline xlarge h3', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'xlarge', tag: 'h3' } },
        { model: 'headline4', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline large h4', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'large', tag: 'h4' } },
        { model: 'headline5', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline small h5', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'small', tag: 'h5' } },
        { model: 'headline6', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Headline xsmall h6', attributes: { headline: true, font-size: 'xsmall', tag: 'h6' } },
        { model: 'subheadline1', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Subheadline xxlarge', attributes: { subheadline: true, font-size: 'xxlarge', tag: 'p' } },
        { model: 'subheadline2', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Subheadline xlarge', attributes: { subheadline: true, font-size: 'xlarge', tag: 'p' } },
        { model: 'subheadline3', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Subheadline large', attributes: { subheadline: true, font-size: 'large', tag: 'p' } },
        { model: 'eyebrow', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Eyebrow', attributes: { eyebrow: true, tag: 'p' } },
        { model: 'link', view: 'bolt-text', title: 'Link', attributes: { eyebrow: true, tag: 'a' } },
        { model: 'blockquote', view: 'bolt-blockquote', title: 'Blockquote' },
        { model: 'ordered-list', view: 'bolt-ordered-list', title: 'Ordered list' },
        { model: 'unordered-list', view: 'bolt-unordered-list', title: 'Unordered list' },
        { model: 'code', view: 'bolt-code-snippet', title: 'Code snippet' },
  } )
  .then( ... )
  .catch( ... );

CKEditor Docs

The docs show that mapping each style option to a specific tag and class is possible, but we need to figure out if it can do attributes as well. Otherwise, we'd have to make sure our web components can work without any attributes.



Headline 1 is XXLarge Headline

Headline 2 is XLarge Headline

Headline 3 is Large Headline


Body text is medium sized text.

Italic text is emphasized.

Bold text is strong.

Superscript text is sup.

Subscript text is sub.


Link is link component with default settings.


Blockquote is blockquote component with default settings.

Ordered List

Ordered list is
Ordered list component
with default settings

Unordered List

Unordered list is
Unordered list component
with default settings


  Code text is the Code Snippet component with default settings.


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Table is the Table component with default settings. R1C2 R1C3
Row 2 R2C1 R2C2 R2C3
Row 3 R3C1 R3C2 R3C3
Footer FC1 FC2 FC3

Missing in Bolt

Figure (Image and Video): the figure component needs to be styled.
All existing components other than the code snippet are not yet web components